Trauma Response Team
The Trauma Response team is a community-based service, offering individual and group support for young people, adults, families, and the community during traumatic events across the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area.
What we do
We help people of all ages, offering a targeted package of advice, signposting and support to individuals and communities that have been affected by traumatic incidents.​
This can be done via:
Individual phone/Zoom calls
Group support (e.g. attending sports clubs, schools, youth clubs and organisations)
​Referrals to our specialist trauma counsellor
Trauma educational workshops
Suicide Postvention: Helping Those Left Behind
At Eye to Eye, our Trauma Response team are members of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg ‘Immediate Response Group’ where we work with safeguarding and South Wales Police to assist those bereaved by suicide in RCT, Merthyr and Bridgend.
We understand that the loss of a loved one to suicide can be a deeply traumatic experience. Our suicide postvention services are designed to provide support, guidance, and resources to individuals and families that have been affected.
Our Services Include:
Family Support: Assistance for families and friends in coping with the loss of a loved one and navigating the challenges that may arise
Community Outreach: Education and awareness programs to reduce stigma, promote good mental health, and prevent future suicides
Referral Services: Connections to additional resources and support groups as needed
Witness support: Support given to those who have attended the scene of the incident, such as neighbours, friends or the general public
Support to professionals: Postvention support given to Blue Light services, including staff and volunteers in the police, fire, medical, and search and rescue services
Diffusing and Debriefing: Critical Incident Stress Management given to workplace staff following the suicide of a colleague, focusing on resistance, resilience and recovery
Our Approach:
Our approach is compassionate, empathetic, and tailored to the individual needs of each person. We believe that creating a safe and supportive environment is crucial for healing and recovery.
If you or someone you know has been affected by recent suicide in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is available to provide support and guidance.
How to get in touch...
Main Office :
Sarah (Adult Lead) :
Emily (Youth Lead) :
info@eyetoeye.wales or 01443 202940
sarah.jenkins@eyetoeye.wales or 07985 631986
emily.evans@eyetoeye.wales or 07708 472181